Банки Сингапура / страница 3

Коды банков страны в системе переводов СВИФТ

Страна: 🇸🇬 Сингапур, Код страны: SG

Код SWIFTНазвание банка
YAMASGS1 Yamaichi Futures Pte Ltd.
WILMSGSG Wilmar International Limited
NWNBSGS1 Wells Fargo Bank Minnesota Na
WBSSSGS1 Wardley Broking Services Pte Ltd.
WMBSSGS1 Wako Merchant Bank (singapore) Limited
VPBVSGS1 Vp Bank (singapore) Ltd.
VTALSGS1 Volvo Treasury Asia Ltd
VIBRSGS1 Vickers Ballas Investments Research Pte Ltd
VEMPSGS1 Vertex Management Pte Ltd
VZAPSGSG Verizon Asia Pacific Holdings Pte.
UVMPSGS1 Uob Venture Management Private Limited
UOBSSGS1 Uob Securities Pte Ltd.
UOBFSGS1 Uob Bullion And Futures Limited
UMBISGS1 Uob Asia Limited
UBPGSGSX Union Bancaire Privee Ubp Sa Singapore Branch
SASPSGS1 Ubs Warburg And Associates (singapore) Nominees Pte Ltd
WSSPSGS1 Ubs Securities Pte. Ltd.
ABNASGF1 Ubs Futures Singapore Ltd.
RHBCSGS1 Rhb-cathay Securities Pte Ltd.
RTSLSGS1 Reuters Transaction Services Limited
BLICSGS1 Republic National Bank Of New York (singapore)limited
RAAPSGS1 Reliance Asset Management (sg) Pte Ltd
REFCSGS1 Refco (singapore) Pte Ltd.
SCBLSG21 Raffles Nominees (pte.) Limited
PURESGS1 Pure Commerce (s) Pte Ltd
PBFASGS1 Prudential-bache Futures Asia Pacific Ltd.
PPMLSGS1 Prudential Portfolio Managers Singapore Limited
PPPLSGSG Proa Partners Pte Ltd
PSRPSGS1 Phillip Securities Research Pte Ltd
PHSESGS1 Phillip Securities Pte Ltd
CAPASGS1 St Capital Limited
SNCPSGS1 Smith New Court Securities Pte Ltd.
SNCOSGS1 Smith New Court (singapore) Pte Ltd.
NKSCSGSG Smbc Nikko Securities (singapore) Pte. Ltd.
XSESSGS1 Singapore Exchange Limited
XSCESGS1 Singapore Commodity Exchange Ltd
SIEESGS1 Silver Metis
SEPPSGS1 Shell Eastern Petroleum Pte Ltd
SGSCSGS1 Sg Securities (singapore) Custodial Services Pte Ltd
SGAMSGS1 Sg Asset Management (singapore) Ltd
SEBUSGS1 Sepl-pulau Bukom
SECESGS1 Sembawang Capital Pte Ltd
SVMPSGS1 Seed Ventures Management Pte Ltd
SSSPSGS1 Schroder Securities (singapore) Pte Ltd
ASSSSGS1 Sbci And Associates Pte Ltd.
SASSSGS1 Sassoon Financial Futures Pte Ltd.
SAMKSGS1 Sanyo Merchant Bank Ltd
SFSTSGS1 Sanwa Futures (singapore) Pte Ltd
SAIVSGS1 Santander Investment Services
PRYLSGS1 Tullett Prebon (singapore) Limited
TTDPSGS1 Tullett Liberty Pte. Ltd.
TORPSGS1 Tsang And Ong Stockbrokers Pte Ltd.
TSANSGS1 Tsang And Ong Stockbrokers (pte) Ltd.
TVMPSGS1 Transtech Venture Management Private Limited
TRCPSGS1 Transpac Capital Pte Ltd
OTSPSGS1 Tradition Singapore (pte) Ltd
TMAJSGS1 Tokio Marine Asset Management International Pte. Ltd
TLBFSGS1 Tlb Bullion And Futures Pte Ltd.
AASLSG21 The Royal Bank Of Scotland Asia Securities (singapore) Pte Limited
TIMISGSGBEM Templeton Asset Management Ltd
TEHOSGS1 Temasek Holdings (private) Limited
TATESGS1 Tat Lee Securities Pte Ltd.
SYMHSGS1 Symphony
SWRESGS1 Swiss Reinsurance Company, Singapore Branch
SHKESGS1 Sun Hung Kai Securities Pte Ltd
SUHKSGS1 Sun Hung Kai Bullion And Futures Pte Ltd
SUSESGS1 Summit Securities Pte Ltd.
SAMPSGS1 Suez Apac Management (s) Pte Ltd
NATWSGS1 Natwest Futures (asia) Pte Ltd.
ROTHSGS1 N.m. Rothschild And Sons (singapore) Limited
MOITSGS1 Moody's Singapore Pte Ltd
FUJISGS1 Mizuho Futures (singapore) Pte Ltd
BOISSGS1 Mitsubishi Ufj Securities (singapore), Limited
MINXSGS1 Minex Corporation Singapore Pte Ltd
WEPPSGS1 Al Wealth Partners Pte Ltd
AWMPSGS1 Aia-walden Management Pte Ltd
AISPSGS1 Aia Singapore Private Limited
FGCISGS1 Abn Amro Clearing Bank N.v., Singapore Branch
CEPFSGS1 Central Pacific Finance Ltd.
CESLSGS1 Cef (singapore) Limited
CAZESGS1 Cazenove And Co. (singapore) Pte. Limited
CFSASGS1 Cargill Financial Services Asia Pte Ltd
CHNGSGS1 Capital House Investment Management (singapore) Pte
CFSPSGS1 Cantor Fitzgerald (singapore) Capital Markets Limited
BLTDSGS1 Bunge Agribusiness Singapore Pte Ltd
BOTFSGS1 Btm Futures Pte Ltd.
BTSPSGS1 Btig Singapore Pte. Limited
BTFSSGS1 Bt Futures (singapore) Ltd.
BTBASGS1 Bt Brokerage And Associates Pte Ltd.
BIMNSGS1 Bronte Investment Management (singapore) Pte Ltd
BRPTSGS1 Bridge Capital
BPSISGSG Bp Singapore Pte Limited
BORDSGSX Bordier And Cie (singapore) Ltd